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50-State Comparison: 12th Grade Transitions 2015 (archive)

Education Commission of the States has researched how states use college-readiness assessments to make the most of the 12th-grade year in all states to provide this comprehensive resource. Click on the questions below for 50-state comparisons showing how all states approach specific 12th-grade transitions policies. Or, choose to view a specific state’s approach by going to the individual state profiles page.

Key Takeaways

  • Although many states administer college and career readiness assessments, few states have identified college readiness cut scores on those assessments to add value to the 12th-grade year.
  • Eleven states have set college readiness cut scores on statewide, mandatory college and career readiness assessments used to identify students in need of remediation or acceleration opportunities during the 12th-grade year.
  • Several states are in the process of developing cut scores or are piloting intervention and remediation programs.

50-State Comparisons


  1. Statewide mandatory assessments with state-adopted "college ready" cut scores


  1. Intervention must be offered a student not demonstrating college readiness
  2. Identified students must participate in college readiness interventions
  3. Student retested at end of grade-12 college readiness intervention
  4. Students may take developmental/remedial coursework through dual enrollment programs


  1. Acceleration opportunities must be offered a student demonstrating college readiness

State College-Readiness Definitions and Postsecondary Admissions/Placement 

  1. College readiness benchmark reflected in state college-readiness definition
  2. College readiness benchmark used in admissions decisions to four-year institutions
  3. College readiness benchmark guarantees placement into credit-bearing coursework
  4. All data points for all states.

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March 1, 2015

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