Updated: June 4, 2024


Education Commission of the States has researched Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) policies and resources in all states and the District of Columbia to provide this comprehensive resource. This updated 50-State Comparison relies exclusively on publicly available and up-to-date information. A state is defined as having an SLDS based on connections between core domains of data, on clear evidence of linkages or cross-agency data reporting, and on the existence of a clearly articulated governance structure. Additionally, this update now recognizes data systems that are under construction.


Education Commission of the States adapted WestEd’s P20W Modernization Diagnostic Tool to create a framework for organizing sections of this version. More information on each section and its intent is included on its associated landing page.


Defining Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems

Four education data domains are designated as core domains within any SLDS: early learning, K-12, postsecondary and workforce. For the purposes of this 50-State Comparison, an SLDS is defined as a data system with formal connections across two or more of these core domains.


Further, a state is classified as having an SLDS if it exhibits public evidence of current automated data linkages, a data governance structure, cross-agency research agendas or regular cross-agency data reporting. Additional details on these definitions and methodologies are included in the accompanying SLDS landscape Policy Brief.


50-State Comparisons

Click on the text links to view the reports or click the bar to view the questions.


• Does the state have an active Statewide Longitudinal Data System?
• What is the name of the SLDS?
• System Notes
• Which of the four core domains (early learning, K-12, postsecondary, workforce) are included in the SLDS?
• How was the SLDS Established? (Executive Order; Federal SLDS Grant; MOUs Between Agencies; Statute/Legislation)
• Does the state have a formal mechanism for gathering feedback from data users outside of participating agencies?
• Does the state publish a common research agenda or learning agenda for the SLDS?
• Did the state receive a Federal SLDS Grant?
• In which years did the state receive a grant and how much funding did the state receive?
• Did the state receive a Federal Workforce Data Quality Initiative grant?
• In which years did the state receive a grant and how much funding did the state receive?
• Is there a stand-alone office or agency with multiple staff dedicated to the SLDS?
• Which, if any, state data systems map their data dictionaries to the Common Education Data Standards?
• Does the SLDS publish a publicly available data dictionary?
• Does the state publicly specify data governance for the SLDS?
• Is there a public document or manual outlining governance processes, roles or responsibilities?
• Are individuals, organizations or agencies from sectors outside of education and workforce included in SLDS governance?
• How often does the SLDS governing board/committee meet, if specified?
• Does the state publish governance committee meeting minutes or agendas?
• Which boards, committees and subcommittees exist in the SLDS governance structure?
• Does the state publish formal data privacy policies for the SLDS that expand upon federal and state privacy laws?
• Does the state publish regular reports derived from cross-agency linkages?
• Does the state or system provide multiple audiences with training on how to use the SLDS?


Click here to view all data points for all states, or view a specific state’s approach by going to the individual state profile page.


Key Takeaways

 Related Resources


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