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50-State Comparison: Instructional Time Policies (2018 archive)

This resource provides an overview of state instructional time requirements for kindergarten through 12th grade — including days or hours per year, hours per day and start and end date parameters where they exist in state law. Education Commission of the States has researched requirements in state statute and administrative code to create this comparison.

There are many exceptions to instructional time requirements across states and not all of them are indicated in this 50-State Comparison. Unless otherwise indicated, states that have hours per year and days per year require both.

Click on one of the 50-State Comparisons below showing how all states approach instructional time in current policy. Or choose to view a specific state’s approach by going to the individual state profiles page.

Key Takeaways:

  • Twenty-nine states plus the District of Columbia require at least 180 days of instruction.
  • Twelve states place parameters around school start and/or finish dates.
  • Thirty-five states differentiate the hours in a day or year, or the days in a year based on grade levels.

50-State Comparisons



April 16, 2018

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