Promising Practices in Arts Education

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Written by: Jane Best
July 20, 2016

The Arts Education Partnership (AEP), the newest center at Education Commission of the States, continues to be showcasing the promising practices of partner organizations and other practitioners across the country.  This is a priority not only because partner organizations are doing incredible work but also because there is great strength in learning from the experiences and programs of others.

A powerful tool for sharing these promising practices for the arts in education is through AEP’s annual convenings. For example, AEP had the opportunity to feature the exciting work of the Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning through the Arts’ program integrating the arts into STEM learning at last month’s Education Commission of the States National Forum on Education Policy. Participants in this breakout session were able to learn how this program, funded by U.S. Department of Education’s Arts Education Model Development and Dissemination (AEMDD) grant program, uses the arts to teach and reinforce early learning in math.

In addition, the AEP National Forum serves as a venue for arts and education stakeholders to come together to learn about effective practices, explore new research findings  and understand important policy implications. School leaders, policymakers, advanced practitioners and leaders from the arts, business, culture, education and philanthropic communities attend the AEP National Forum to learn about developing arts in education opportunities and to engage in a conversation that aids them in ensuring that all students have a well-rounded education.

The 2016 AEP National Forum, to be held on Oct. 5-7 in Denver, Colo., is focused on continuing the work of AEP’s The Arts Leading the Way to Student Success: A 2020 Action Agenda for Advancing the Arts in Education. Registration is now open and a draft agenda is available with additional event details.

And, finally, highlights of new and exemplary practices are available throughout the year via AEP’s bi-weekly newsletter, the ArtsEd Digest. Subscribe to stay up to date on what is happening at AEP, the work of its partner organizations and opportunities for the arts in education community.

We hope to see you at the 2016 AEP National Forum in Denver on Oct. 5-7!

Author profile

Jane Best

Jane Best

Director of the Arts Education Partnership at Education Commission of the States |

Jane was formerly the director of the Arts Education Partnership.

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