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Education Governance Dashboard (archive)

State education governance relates to the roles, responsibilities and relationships of individuals and entities that are charged with developing, implementing and overseeing policies and programs, as well as the processes and structures that guide their work.  

While there are common models for education governance structures, each state has a unique system that is rooted in and has evolved based on its goals, political context, culture and history. One approach to analyzing common models is to identify the primary characteristics that differentiate states’ governance structures.  

Under early learning governance structures, states have created single agencies to oversee several core programs and services, consolidated multiple programs within an agency or coordinated the programs across agencies. A primary distinction in K-12 governance systems is whether state board of education members and chief state school officers are appointed, and by whom, or are elected by voters. For postsecondary governance, one distinguishing characteristic is the type of boards and agencies that exist at the state and major system levels, including coordinating, governing and administrative.  

Regardless of the different models, effective governance often depends on the collaboration of individuals and entities across the P-20 continuum and different structures to create, evaluate and reform education policies to meet state goals.  

This dashboard provides an overview of early learning, K-12 and postsecondary governance structures and models across the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The information on this page reflects statute, regulations and executive orders as of Nov. 12, 2020. For the most up-to-date information on early care and education governance changes, please see ECS’ Early Care and Education Governance Policy Outline. See the links at the bottom of the page for more information about state education governance systems.

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Early Care and Education Governance Models

K-12 Governance Models
Postsecondary Governance Models

 Early Care and Education Governance Models:

  • Created: The state has created an early care and education lead agency with responsibility for multiple programs and functions.
  • Consolidated: The state has consolidated multiple early care and education agencies and functions into a single agency that also has broader responsibilities.
  • Coordinated: The state coordinates early care and education functions across two or more state agencies.


K-12 Governance Models:

  • Model I/Appointed Board, Appointed Chief: Voters elect the governor, who then appoints both the members of the state board of education and the chief state school officer.
  • Model II/Governor Appoints Board, Board Appoints Chief: Voters elect the governor, who then appoints either all or most of the members of the state board of education. The state board, in turn, appoints the chief state school officer.
  • Model III/Appointed Board, Elected Chief: Voters elect both the governor and the chief state school officer. The governor then appoints the state board of education.
  • Model IV/Elected Board, Board Appoints Chief: Voters elect both the governor and the state board of education. The state board then appoints the chief state school officer.
  • Other: These states function using various components of the other models.


Postsecondary Governance Models:

  • Single, Statewide Coordinating Board/Agency: It is responsible for key aspects of the state’s role with public postsecondary institutions and, in some cases, with independent colleges.
  • Single, Statewide Governing Board: It manages and oversees most functions of the public higher education system and typically has broad authority over institutions.
  • One or More Major, Systemwide Coordinating or Governing Board: They oversee institutions within a major, postsecondary system within states that do not have a single, statewide coordinating or governing board. Note, some of the states with this model also have an administrative or service agency as part of the governance system. See the table below for more.
  • Administrative/Service Agency: It oversees a variety of programs and services for institutions across the state. These states also have system-level coordinating or governing boards and/or governing boards for individual institutions.


State Early Care and Education Governance K-12 Governance Postsecondary Governance
Alabama Created Model IV: Elected Board, Board Appoints Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Alaska Coordinated Model II: Governor Appoints Board, Board Appoints Chief Single, statewide governing board
Arizona Coordinated Model III: Governor-Appointed Board, Elected Chief   One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board and Administrative/service agency
Arkansas Consolidated Model II: Governor Appoints Board, Board Appoints Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
California Coordinated Model III: Governor-Appointed Board, Elected Chief   One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board
Colorado Coordinated Model IV: Elected Board, Board Appoints Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Connecticut Created Model II: Governor Appoints Board, Board Appoints Chief One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board and Administrative/service agency
Delaware Consolidated Model I: Governor-Appointed Board, Governor-Appointed Chief Administrative/service agency
District of Columbia Consolidated Other: Elected Board; Mayor-Appointed Chief Administrative/service agency
Florida Consolidated Model II: Governor Appoints Board, Board Appoints Chief One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board and Administrative/service agency
Georgia Created Model III: Governor-Appointed Board, Elected Chief   One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board
Hawaii Coordinated Model II: Governor Appoints Board, Board Appoints Chief Single, statewide governing board
Idaho Coordinated Model III: Governor-Appointed Board, Elected Chief Single, statewide governing board
Illinois Coordinated Model II: Governor Appoints Board, Board Appoints Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Indiana Consolidated Other:  Jointly appointed Board, Governor-Appointed Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Iowa Coordinated Model I: Governor-Appointed Board, Governor-Appointed Chief   One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board and Administrative/service agency
Kansas Coordinated Model IV: Elected Board, Board Appoints Chief Single, statewide governing board
Kentucky Coordinated Model II: Governor Appoints Board, Board Appoints Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Louisiana Consolidated Other: Governor-Appointed and Elected State Board; Board-Appointed Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Maine Coordinated Model I: Governor-Appointed Board, Governor-Appointed Chief   One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board
Maryland Consolidated Model II: Governor Appoints Board, Board Appoints Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Massachusetts Created Model II: Governor Appoints Board, Board Appoints Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Michigan Consolidated Model IV: Elected Board, Board Appoints Chief Not applicable. Michigan does not have a statewide postsecondary board or agency or a major, systemwide board, and therefore does not fall under any of the governance models.
Minnesota Coordinated Other: No State Board; Governor-Appointed Chief One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board and Administrative/service agency
Mississippi Coordinated Other: Jointly Appointed State Board; Board-Appointed Chief One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board
Missouri Coordinated Model II: Governor Appoints Board, Board Appoints Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Montana Coordinated Model III: Governor-Appointed Board, Elected Chief Single, statewide governing board
Nebraska Coordinated Model IV: Elected Board, Board Appoints Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Nevada Consolidated Other: Governor-Appointed and Elected State Board; Governor-Appointed Chief Single, statewide governing board
New Hampshire Coordinated Model I: Governor-Appointed Board, Governor-Appointed Chief One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board and Administrative/service agency
New Jersey Coordinated Model I: Governor-Appointed Board, Governor-Appointed Chief Administrative/service agency
New Mexico Created Other: Advisory Only; Governor-Appointed Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
New York Coordinated Other: Legislatively Appointed State Board; Board-Appointed Chief One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board and Administrative/service agency
North Carolina Consolidated Model III: Governor-Appointed Board, Elected Chief One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board
North Dakota Coordinated Model III: Governor-Appointed Board, Elected Chief Single, statewide governing board
Ohio Coordinated Other: Governor-Appointed and Elected State Board; Board-Appointed Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Oklahoma Coordinated Model III: Governor-Appointed Board, Elected Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Oregon Consolidated Other: Governor-Appointed State Board, Governor as Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Pennsylvania Consolidated Model I: Governor-Appointed Board, Governor-Appointed Chief   One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board and Administrative/service agency
Rhode Island Coordinated Model II: Governor Appoints Board, Board Appoints Chief One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board
South Carolina Coordinated Other: Legislatively Appointed State Board; Elected Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
South Dakota Coordinated Model I: Governor-Appointed Board, Governor-Appointed Chief   One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board
Tennessee Coordinated Model I: Governor-Appointed Board, Governor-Appointed Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Texas Coordinated Other: Elected Board; Governor-Appointed Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Utah Coordinated Model IV: Elected Board, Board Appoints Chief Single, statewide governing board
Vermont Consolidated Model I: Governor-Appointed Board, Governor-Appointed Chief   One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board
Virginia Coordinated Model I: Governor-Appointed Board, Governor-Appointed Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
Washington Created Other: Governor-Appointed and Elected State Board; Elected Chief Single, statewide coordinating board/agency
West Virginia Coordinated Model II: Governor Appoints Board, Board Appoints Chief One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board
Wisconsin Coordinated Other: No State Board; Elected Chief One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board
Wyoming Coordinated Model III: Governor-Appointed Board, Elected Chief One or more major, systemwide coordinating or governing board

Related Resources

50-State Comparison: Early Care and Education Governance  

Early Care and Education Governance Policy Outline

50-State Comparison: K-12 Governance  

State Education Governance Structures: 2017 update

50-State Comparison: State Postsecondary Governance Structures


Jan. 26, 2022


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