Strong Start to Finish

Education Commission of the States serves as the intermediary for Strong Start to Finish.
Initiatives & Projects

Supported by Education Commission of the States, Strong Start to Finish is a network of like-minded individuals and organizations from the policy, research and practice spaces who’ve come together for one reason — to help all students, not just a select few, find success in postsecondary education.

The network has a deep commitment to knowledge and working together to change institutional practice and policy. Strong Start to Finish is growing its reach across the nation to bring equity to higher education through deep collaboration that achieves a larger impact and return on postsecondary investments. As experts in this space, the network pools together some of the best and brightest in the field to establish practices that work and can be scaled for systematic change.

One of the pillars of Strong Start to Finish's efforts is a set of evidence-based Core Principles. The "Core Principles for Transforming Remedial Education Within a Comprehensive Student Success Strategy" is a field-generated document informed by policy and practice. First released in 2012, updated in 2015 and refreshed in 2020, these Core Principles focus on what it means to scale reform. This most recent update provides greater attention on the design, implementation and scaling of practices that lead to improved and more equitable outcomes for today’s students. This connects higher education systems and institutions with proven tools, quality technical assistance, and financial and human capital resources to give every student the best start on the path toward their degree.

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To learn more about Strong Start to Finish, visit its website.

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