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50-State Comparison: Dual/Concurrent Enrollment Policies

Dual enrollment courses provide students with the opportunity to access advanced learning experiences, earn high school and college credit simultaneously, and possibly lower their tuition burden toward a postsecondary degree. State policymaker interest in dual enrollment is driven by its potential to smooth transitions between high school and college, increase college persistence and completion rates, and reduce college costs.

Education Commission of the States researched dual/concurrent enrollment policies in all states to provide this comprehensive resource. Data is provided by program within each state. This resource includes policy found in statutes, regulations and other state policy documents and guidelines, as of May 2022. It does not reflect local implementation or practice.

In this resource, a dual/concurrent enrollment program is defined as a program that is offered in the majority of high schools within a state and allows high school students to take individual courses for dual or postsecondary credit. Therefore, it excludes programs requiring participating students to take a prescribed set of courses or to complete a particular credential. It also excludes programs that can only be accessed through a specific type of school, such as early/middle college high schools.

Data in this resource is divided into five sections: program basics; access, including state policies on student access to programs; courses, including state policies on course offerings and limitations; finance, including state policies on program finance; and quality, including state policies on quality assurance mechanisms associated with the program.

Click on the questions below for 50-State Comparisons showing how all states approach specific dual/concurrent enrollment policies. To view a specific state’s approach across all policy areas, visit the individual state profiles page.

50-State Comparisons

Dual enrollment (all data points for all states)

Program Basics

1. What is the name of the statewide dual enrollment program?

2. What is the most recent/updated legislative reference establishing the program?

3. What is the link to the program website?

4. Where can students access the courses offered through this program?


5.  Is every high school required to participate in this program?

6. Postsecondary Participation Requirements.

7. Student Eligibility Requirements.

8. Are all eligible students/parents required to be notified of this program?

9. Advising Requirements.

10. Incentives for Underserved Students.


11. Does this program allow students to take postsecondary developmental or remedial courses for dual credit?

12. Does this program allow students to take postsecondary career technical education courses for dual credit?

13. Are there any restrictions on the number of postsecondary credits high school students can earn through this program?


14. Who contributes to paying for student costs of tuition for this program?

15. Who receives state funds to support the tuition costs of this program?

16.Does the state prescribe a rate or an amount for tuition that institutions charge students, districts or the state for this program?

17.Are institutions allowed to charge fees beyond tuition for this program?


18. What are the instructor qualification requirements for this program?

19. Credit Requirements.

20. Data Reporting Requirements.

Key Takeaways

48 states and the District of Columbia have state-level dual enrollment policies.

28 states have established multiple dual enrollment programs through state policy; 21 states have established two programs; 5 states have established three programs; 2 states have established four programs.

27 states require secondary and/or postsecondary partners to notify students and parents of at least one of their state-level dual enrollment programs.

41 states specified student eligibility criteria for at least one of their dual enrollment programs through state policy. The most common categories of specified student eligibility criteria were the grade level of the student (33 states); meeting the postsecondary institution’s entrance requirements (26 states); having a recommendation from a school official (19 states).

42 states specified instructor qualification requirements for at least one of their dual enrollment programs through state policy. The most common categories of specified instructor qualification requirements were meeting the postsecondary institution’s faculty requirements (29 states); meeting institutional accreditor requirements (15 states); having a graduate degree (9 states).

Related Resources

State Education Policy Tracking

Prioritizing Equity in Dual Enrollment

STEM Dual Enrollment: Model Policy Components

Rethinking Dual Enrollment to Reach More Students

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